After poring through footage, selecting content that we thought would pull together for a good trailer, we did it! Editor Cam Clendaniel cut a 2:56 minute piece that we think gives a good idea of the direction we’re headed in with the film. To actually complete the film, we have much more filming to do, and there will be many bills to pay along the way.

Women Make Movies is our fiscal sponsor, and donations to As Prescribed though them are 100% tax deductible. We hope that donations will come in fast and furious. But I know from past experience that a lot of people have problems with the scroll prompt on the WMM website. The list of films goes in alphabetical order, so you would think we would be near the top. Who knew that there would be so many other documentaries starting with the letter A? So we decided that we had better come up with something that was a little more user-friendly, and joined forces with BonfireFunds to roll out a T-shirt campaign. Oh, I’m hoping that tons of people will watch our new trailer, join our cause, and help get this film made —and buy a new T-shirt (or 2)!