Be visible – easier said than done. That’s what we’re trying to do a little bit at a time, wherever we can. Our joint T-shirt campaign with World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day and Benzodiazepine Information Coalition will help us all move a little closer to our shared goal — awareness of benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome as a serious and very real invisible illness.
Hi, Virginia here, your friendly As Prescribed team member and I’m getting the chance to tell you about our exciting T-shirt campaign. Our inVISIBLE T’s will help start an important conversation. But Virginia, how does wearing a T-shirt start a conversation? How is it any different from wearing a shirt for your favorite band or tv show? Well let me tell you, as someone who is currently wearing a shirt for their favorite tv show (Steven Universe), it has started many a conversation. When people say, “Hey Virginia, what’s on your shirt?” I get to tell them about this cartoon that introduces kids to really complex ideas about how the world works, how love, empathy and understanding are the true weapons for changing the world – then people watch it and come back and talk to me about it – conversation started. Kind of like a conversation you or I might want to have about benzodiazepines.
More important, benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome is real; it’s not a fictional character. This very real illness affects very real people. We are fighting to make our story and our cause seen and heard. Wearing an inVISIBLE T will help do just that. It will give visibility to our inVISIBILITY.
Help us with this mission! We’re selling these shirts as a prequel to our summer fundraising campaign. All funds raised will go to the post-production for As Prescribed. Order now so that you’ll have your T and your conversation-starter in time for World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day — July 11.